Monday, April 14, 2014

Before Pics

Hey ladies,

Please send your before pics so I can post them. I will not post your name...just your initials.

Ivory G.


Good Evening Ladies,

I have recently discovered that you can not add a image in a comment box. Therefore, I will need you ladies to send me your before pic and I will post.  I will post before, mid, and after pic of each of you. I will only post your initials by the pictures. Please send them today...

Ivory G.    

Pic taken: April 20  Ivory G

Ladies we all mess up with our eating habits and workouts, even me. Last weekend was terrible.  It started with me working out everyday for 30 minutes and then Friday came. I wasn't drinking enough water, I didnt exercise and I ate like a pig. Since it was Easter Weekend, I decided to give myself a pass. Now its back to work. What's your story. ..

Pic Taken April 21 by K.J.

Pic taken April 21 by S.G.


Pic taken April 21 by A.B.
Pic taken April 22 by L.H.

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